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Ever wonder what the video for "Free As A Bird," really means? Upon watching it have you been able to identify all the songs represented? Here you'll find (hopefully) all the songs that The Beatles used in the making of this brilliant video. Also check out Part 1 too!
FREE AS A BIRD Part 2 The Video Clues The video of The Beatles' song "Free As A Bird," is, in my opinion, nothing short of brilliant. But then again, no one should have been surprised as The Beatles' can, in one word, be described in that fashion. When I saw it for the first time upon it's release as a part of The Beatles' Anthology Series in 1995, I thought that the "few" obvious references to other of their songs was quite cool and original. But then I watched it again, and again, and then again. Then I thought, wow, this is better than I first thought. Just look at all the songs represented in this video. It is, as was intended, a capsule biography of The Beatles. Listed herein below are (hopefully) all of the clues contained in the video that reference the lives and songs of The Beatles. Many of the clues are obvious, others are not. Those that aren't so obvious are actually guesses, speculation if you will, based on insinuation, yet still unknown exactly as to The Beatles intent. Those that are conjecture could of course be factual, and if anyone has any other ideas, please feel free to write me and let me know. The list herein is partly mine and partly complied from numerous sources. We all know that the walrus was Paul, but with some of these, well, only time and The Beatles may tell. Right up there with the "Paul is dead hoax," The Beatles, in their wonderful genius and brilliance have given us this wonderful video. So now, here are the clues and explanations where known, with the song titles and song lyrics in italics, with titles being in red. Listed in chronological order, I give you "Free As A Bird" 1.) As the video opens, we hear the sound of a bird's wings flapping. This same sound can be heard of the song, "Across The Universe." 2.) In this opening scene we also note various flight effects which could represent the song "Flying." 3.) On the mantle, The Beatles as youngsters, represent the song, "In My Life." 4.) In front of George there is an "Old Brown Shoe." 5.) Another mere guess, but could the insect on the mantle represent a "Beetle," which was at one time the spelling of the group, or does "Beetle," just mean "Beatle?" 6.) Next you'll see a cat sleeping on a chair - "I'm Only Sleeping." 7.) The sun comes through the window, as in "Here Comes The Sun." 8.) The Liverpool Docks, could mean another reference to "In My Life," and/or it could also be the beginning reference to "Rain." 9.) Next is a reference to "Rain," as in "They run and hide their heads." 10.) A bouncer at The Cavern Club, who has a "flat-top," as in "Come Together." 11.) The Beatles sang the song "Some Other Guy," at the Cavern, and this reference is believed to be that "Some Other Guy." 12.)Next we see the police restraining delirious fans, which is believed to represent a memory of "Beatlemania." 13.) The obvious reference to "Strawberry Fields," and it is wondered whether the child shown is maybe Lennon?- from "Strawberry Fields Forever." 14.) The Silver Hammer store next to the bakery, as in "Maxwell's Silver Hammer." 15.) Shown next are kids running, as in "See How They Run," from "Lady Madonna." 16.) The truck with "Egg Co." on the door, and an eggman unloading eggs, as in the "Eggman," from "I Am The Walrus." 17.) Next is shown Paul, George and Ringo run across the street - maybe as in "A Hard Day's Night." 18.) Two men shown look like they could be officials like tax men. It is believed it could be Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath, but I think the reference is clear to "Taxman." 19.) This scene represents "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da," as in the reference to a "barrow in the marketplace," seen behind the nurse at left. 20.) The nurse who is "selling poppies in a tray," is from "Penny Lane." This is followed by the same reference again. 21.) Two more references to "Penny Lane." the first is "Every head he's had the pleasure to know," represented by the photograph of The Beatles in the window, and the barber. 22.) In the next scene we see two women leaving a shop. They are believed to be Many Rice-Davies and Christine Keeler. It is said that perhaps Mandy is "Polythene Pam." 23.) A boy and girl walk by, and he whispers in her ear - "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" 24.) A sign in the window reads, "Help," from the song and movie "Help!" 25.) Another Penny Lane reference - this time Ringo is standing in the doorway of the Penny Lane Bakery. 26.) John and Yoko in the car, indicating, "Why Don't We Do It In The Road?" 27.) The Beatles Anthology covers are seen as wallpaper. 28.) A birthday cake is shown, as in "Birthday." 29.) On the cake are written the numbers 64, from the song, "When I'm Sixty-Four." 30.) George is seen entering Apple Headquarters. 31.) A sign on the building reads, "Dr. Robert." 32.) Next you'll see Ringo with his camera, as the film bans left after George enters Apple Headquarters. 33.) "A crowd of people stood and stared," from"A Day In The Life." 34.) John Lennon is seen learning in a forward direction, indicating "I just had to look," again from "A Day In The Life." 35.) Next is another "A Day In The Life," reference, as in "He blew his mind out in a car." 36.) Another car crash reference could be, "You were in a car crash," from "Don't Pass Me By." 37.) "Penny Lane"appears again, this time with the fire engine, as in "He likes to keep his fire engine clean." 38.) From "I Am The Walrus,"-"Mr. City policeman sitting pretty little policeman in a row." 39.) A large slide that looks like a tower is shown, that twists around, as in "Helter Skelter." 40.) Next we see a kite flying as in, "Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite." 41.) We see next a pair of feet entering a window, as in "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window." 42.) Sunflowers - "Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers, that grow so incredibly high," from "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." 43.) Children appear wearing pig masks, as in "Piggies." 44.) We next see a "lizard on a window pane," from "Happiness Is A Warm Gun." 45.) A writer is sitting at a desk, as in "Paperback Writer." 46.) The writer has a calendar showing the date as the eighth, as in "Eight Days A Week." 47.) As the camera pans around the room, several clues are noted. They are: a.) The clock reads 10:10, which is "One After 909." b.) Green "apples" in a bowl, as in "Apple," The Beatles company and label. c.) The Beatles shown on the television from The Ed Sullivan Show," appearance. d.) Newspaper with headline that reads, "4,000 Holes Found In Blackburn, Lancashire," from "A Day In The Life." e.) Box of candy - - "Savoy Truffle." f.) A portrait of the Queen, from both "Penny Lane," and "Her Majesty." g.) Picture of Chairman Mao from "Revolution." 48.) A man is repairing a roof, as in "Fixing A Hole." 49.) A "Blue Meanie" pops his head up from the street, from "Yellow Submarine." 50.) On the left side of the street a bulldog is being walked, as in "Hey Bulldog." 51.) A newspaper taxi, from "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." 52.) A woman is seen leaving in a taxi from "She's Leaving Home." 53.) Pictures being carried of Chairmen Mao from "Revolution." 54.) The "Blue Meanie, Max," appears again from "Yellow Submarine," who "sleeps in a hole in the road," from "Mean Mr. Mustard." 55.) John and Yoko together - "The Ballad Of John & Yoko." 56.) John and Yoko shown doing the waltz to the song "I Me Mine," from "Let It Be." 57.) A bus is seen at the end of the street --"Magical Mystery Tour." 58.) A big game hunter leads a procession, (Bungalow Bill), that includes and elephant and mom "in case of accidents he always took his mom" from "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill." 59.) The Maharishi Maresh Yogi is seen in the crowd, from "Sexy Sadie." 60.) A mock cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." 61.) A cut-out of Stu Sutcliffe is shown against the wall. 62.) Statue of the virgin Mary, as in Mother Mary from "Let It Be." 63.) A tombstone is shown that reads, "Eleanor Rigby - September 12." This from the song "Eleanor Rigby," which is said to be certified as a gold seller on September 12. 64.) Father Mackenzie," as he walks from the grave," again from "Eleanor Rigby." 65.) A sheepdog runs by, as in Paul's dog Martha, from "Martha My Dear." 66.) Paul shown on a hill, from "The Fool On The Hill." 67.) A blackbird is shown soaring through the trees, as in "Blackbird." 68.) A woman is shown, perhaps again from "She's Leaving Home," and behind who is seen "The Long And Winding Road." 69.) A meter maid walks down the street on the right, toward the VW Beetle at the Abbey Road crosswalk from "Lovely Rita." 70.) The "Abbey Road," cover is recreated. 71.) John, Paul, George and Ringo, shown walking into a theatre from "A Hard Day's Night." 72.) A performer is shown on a stage in the spotlight, believed to be that of George Formby, a British performer from the 30s and 40s. A backwards message is heard which is "its turned out nice again," which is supposed to be said by Formby, but actually it is John Lennon saying this. 73.) The curtain falls, as in "The End." For Additional information on "Free As A Bird," please see Part 1 by clicking here: NOTE: All lyrics and song titles contained herein are © Copyright Northern Songs. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. The lyrics contained herein are for the sole use of reference for the readers of this article. All other uses are in violation of international copyright laws. This use for educational reference, falls under the "fair use" sections of U.S. copyright law. The same such reference applies to images/photos of album covers used herein. All songs composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney or John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Richard Starkey, or George Harrison, or Richard Starkey © Copyright Northern Songs. Edited by John T. Marck, Copyright© 2000-2022 by John T. Marck. All Rights Reserved. This article and their accompanying pictures, photographs, and line art, may not be resold, reprinted, or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author. This article was edited and compiled from a number of sources. | |||