Magical Mystery Tour By John T. Marck Written by Paul, he got the idea for Magical Mystery Tour from two sources. The first was the British coach (bus) tours called 'mystery tours,' whereby people would go on tours throughout Britain, but only the driver knew the route to be taken, and second from Ken Kersey, an American novelist. It was Kersey's idea to drive throughout America in a bus painted with psychedelic colors and images. His vision was to include people from the counter-culture, play loud music, place LSD in their drinks, and see what would happen. Kersey's adventures were eventually told in a book by Tom Wolfe titled The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Although McCartney copied this idea to some degree, his was quite milder, sans the LSD. (Roll up, Roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour, step right this way) Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour, Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour Roll up (and that's an invitation), Roll up for the mystery tour Roll up (to make a reservation), Roll up for the mystery tour The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting to take you away, waiting to take you away Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour, Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour Roll up (we've got everything you need), Roll up for the mystery tour Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed), Roll up for the mystery tour The Magical Mystery Tour is hoping to take you away, hoping to take you away The mystery trip Ah, the Magical Mystery Tour, Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour,Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour, The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away, coming to take you away The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away, dying to take you away Take you today NOTE: All lyrics contained herein are © Copyright Northern Songs. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. The lyrics contained herein are for the sole use of educational reference for the readers of this article. All other uses are in violation of international copyright laws. This use for educational reference, falls under the "fair use" sections of U.S. copyright law. Copyright © 2000-2022 by John T. Marck. All Rights Reserved. This article and their accompanying pictures, photographs, and line art, may not be resold, reprinted, or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author, or the registered copyright holders. Except as otherwise stated above, all information contained in this article, EXCEPT song titles, lyrics, and photographs © John T. Marck. |