The Beatles: Introduction -
Their History, Their Albums, Their Songs and What They Mean - 1957-1970
by John T. Marck

As my introduction to The Beatles and their
albums, songs, lyrics and what they mean, we take a look at their
history from 1957 to 1970. The Beatles revolutionized pop music - no
doubt about it. But was this phrase merely a cliché? Maybe -but it is
the only possible response to a group in music history that is as
staggering and overwhelming as that of The Beatles.
Oh Look Out! Part 1, Please
Please Me
by John T. Marck

Back in the innocent days of 1963, most of us
who grew up with The Beatles could not always afford a record "album,"
but rather opted for the cheaper singles. Since albums, or LPS as they
were known then were out of the financial reach of most of us, and since
the oldest Beatle was a mere 22 years old when this album was recorded,
the teen audience was the target of EMI records. But, during this time,
albums were reserved by the record companies as a shameful cash-in
either for a film or one based solely on the strength of a pop single.
Only performers like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald were allowed the
personal artistic statement of a album, that is, until The Beatles. In
the first part of this series, we take a look at the Beatles first UK
release, "Please Please Me." Released on March 22, 1963, its US
counterpart was "Introducing The Beatles," released on July 22, 1963 and
re-released on January 27, 1964. Here you'll find the history of the
album, the songs and lyrics and what they mean.
Oh Look Out! Part 2, With The
by John T. Marck

Only four months had passed since The Beatles
released their debut album, and they were back in the studio recording
their second. But the time this album was released, and its counterpart
"Meet The Beatles," in America, The Beatles were the hottest group in
show-business. With this second album, EMI records knew that their fans
would buy anything The Beatles released. But, what they did not plan was
that this album proved to be a giant step beyond their first, rather
hastily pieced together effort, but still nonetheless -great! In my
continuing series, we take a look at the Beatles' second release from
November 22, 1963, and its American counterpart, "Meet The Beatles." The
history, the songs, the lyrics and what they mean are all here!
Oh Look Out! Part 3, A Hard
Day's Night
by John T. Marck |

In the early days of The Beatles, the pop
business had not yet realized the potential riches to be earned from
merchandising through a variety of products. The next best thing they
thought was to do a cheap black and white movie. It also solved the
problem that The Beatles could now be seen in cities and towns
throughout the world that they either could not nor had any intention of
visiting personally. What the world and the pop business did not
realize, again, was that this movie turned out to be one of the greatest
ever filmed. So good in fact that it is used as a model in schools in
the areas of style, direction and production. In part three, we take a
look at The Beatles' first film, and soundtrack album. Not all the songs
on the album were in the film. Wanna know why? Read on!
Oh Look Out! Part 4, Beatles
For Sale
by John T. Marck

It has been said that the photo on the cover of
this album, showing The Beatles with blank stares on their faces, was
not exactly intended, but merely was a result of circumstances. Unlike
stars of today who are pampered and spoiled every step of the way, The
Beatles did not have a moment to bask in their fame between the years of
1963 and 1965. During these two years they were touring non-stop, and
writing and recording new songs. Only a few times did they get a week
off from touring, but during this time they were expected to write and
record, and tape radio shows for the BBC. In Part 4, we take a look at
The Beatles fourth album, "Beatles For Sale," released on December 4,
Oh Look Out! Part 5, Help!
by John T. Marck

Following the success of "A Hard Day's Night,"
this time the studios gave The Beatles a lavish budget, with exotic
locations, as well as being filmed in color, but the one thing this film
lacked from their first was realism. Although it did not measure up to
the success and splendor of their first film, it was still a big
success. It grossed impressive numbers in Britain and the United States,
as well as other parts of the world. Besides, it is one of the greatest
soundtracks ever recorded. In Part 5, we look at The Beatles second
feature film, and fifth album, released on August 6, 1965.
Oh Look Out! Part 6, Rubber
by John T. Marck

In Part 6, we look at "Rubber Soul," easily one
of the greatest and finest masterpieces The Beatles wrote and recorded.
For the first time The Beatles made an album which was more than a
collection of singles; an album that was a work of art on its own.
"Rubber Soul," marked a new period for The Beatles, a more precise way
to make an album. Just as "Beatles For Sale," was the summit of what was
known as the British "beat," and "Sgt. Pepper" to come later was their
full production extravaganza, and "Revolver," their post-acid period,
this album truly marked the beginning of The Beatles giant step into the
Oh Look Out! Part 7, Revolver
by John T. Marck

In Part 7, "Revolver," is another of The
Beatles masterpieces! Released on August 5, 1966, it was the first album
where The Beatles became a consummate studio band. In the studio, they
had the freedom to choose exactly the right sound they were looking for
in each track. What gave The Beatles the freedom to make this wonderful
recording was they were supposed to begin making their third film, but
no-one agreed on a script, thus The Beatles had a three-month break to
do whatever they wanted. What did they do? They made "Revolver."
Oh Look Out! Part 8, Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
by John T. Marck |

Truly a Beatles' masterpiece, we take a look in
Part 8 at Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, released on June 1,
1967. Its influence came from The Beach Boy's album "Pet Sounds." As
Paul McCartney said, "the album just flipped me." Although The
Beach Boys were a good band, and "Pet Sounds," I believe is their best
effort and a great album, there is no comparison to me between the two.
What is he main difference you may ask? Simply stated, The Beatles.
Oh Look Out! Part 9, Magical
Mystery Tour
by John T. Marck |

Take a look at the album dedicated to The
Beatles' third film, this time, a documentary, based on a trip with The
Beatles across the English countryside. The film was originally released
only in the United Kingdom. There are six new songs in this film, but
they were not released on an album, except in the United States. Outside
the United States they were released on an EP (extended play single) on
December 8, 1967. In the US, an album was released on November 27, 1967,
that contained the six new songs and five others. It would not be until
the CD release that the American version was available worldwide. Do you
know the six songs from the film? It is a great album and one of my
favorites. Besides the title track it's hard to compete with "I Am The
Walrus," and "Strawberry Fields Forever."
Oh Look Out! Part 10-A The
Beatles (The White Album)
by John T. Marck |

Due to the album length, I bring you The
Beatles (The White Album) in two parts. The Beatles did it again, with
another masterpiece, described as the most diverse record in pop
history. On one hand this was an amazing outcome, as at this time, The
Beatles were on the verge of breaking up, and there was lots of tension.
They had business meetings in the studio, beds were there, and people
were always in and out. Despite this, "The White Album," is easily one
of The Beatles best! Be sure to check out Part B for the remaining song
titles and lyrics. This two record set was released on November 22,
1968. What is so unique about this album, is that although it is The
Beatles in all their brilliance, it is actually a recording by four solo
artists in one band. It is almost if you looked at each track, it would
be John, then Paul, then George, then Ringo as solo artists, backed up
by the band. It is in a word, phenomenal!
Oh Look Out! Part 10-B, The
Beatles (The White Album)
by John T. Marck |

In my continuation of The Beatles (The White
Album) I bring you the remaining titles.
Oh Look Out! Part 11, Yellow
by John T. Marck

Here we take a look at The Beatles first and
only animated film and its soundtrack. Largely done with children in
mind, it is none the less a great album. Both album covers are pictured
herein. The home page shows the original album release, and the article
page shows the 1999 reissue. If you are a collector of Beatles
recordings, you have to have both versions of this wonderful effort.
But, as good as the original is, you haven't lived until you've heard
the digitally re-mastered 1999 reissue. Wow!
Oh Look Out! Part 12, Abbey
by John T. Marck

By design, "Abbey Road,"
was intended to be The Beatles final album, but things didn't work out
as they planned.. The album was released on September 26, 1969. By
October 1968 The Beatles had just finished "The White Album." Following
this was "Yellow Submarine," and The Beatles also recorded what would
become "Let It Be." Within three after the "Let It Be" sessions, they
began working on yet another album, which would be "Abbey Road." In the
course of one year, The Beatle recorded and released about sixty new
songs. Although considered a collection of "throw-aways" at first, it is
considered by many to be their best album. The medley alone is genius,
and my favorite. Next to "Sgt Pepper" it is their best selling album.
Oh Look Out! Part 13, Let It
by John T. Marck

The Beatles final album, it was released on May
8, 1970. Although not one of the best, it does have several great
tracks. Had George Martin been involved, it would have been among the
Oh Look Out! Part 14 The Beatles Songbook
Edited by John T. Marck
All the Songs and Who Wrote What!
Oh Look Out Part 15
The Beatles Songbook II
Edited by John T. Marck
All The Songs and Who Sang What!
The Beatles American Albums
by John T. Marck
Take a look at the hard to find
collection of every album recorded by The Beatles and released in the
United States. I'm glad I bought them all then!
Oh Look Out! Part 16, 1962-1966 - The
Red Album
by John T. Marck |

Commonly referred to as the " Red
this was the first collection of hits issued in the United States, with
tracks released by The Beatles between the years,
1962 and 1966.
Oh Look Out! Part 17, 1967-1970, The Blue Album
by John T. Marck |
Oh Look Out! Part 19, The
Beatles and Ed Sullivan
by John T. Marck |

Ever wonder what things were like when The
Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show? Do you know how many
times they appeared, and the songs they sang? Find all the answer here!
The photo at right is from The Baltimore Sun Paper, (AP Photo),
announcing their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. In the photo
The Beatles are pictured, left to right; Lennon, Starr, McCartney and
Harrison. However, in the photo caption, they are listed as Lennon,
McCartney, Harrison and Starr!
Oh Look Out!, Part 20, John
Lennon the Immigrant
by John T. Marck |

Here we take a look at that time in America
when the United States Government, under President Richard Nixon, tried
to deport John Lennon, and the reasons why, as well as a great song
dedicated to him, regarding this. Shown at right are the first two pages
of the FBI investigation file.
Oh Look Out! Part 25, The
Beatles 1
by John T. Marck

Take a look at The Beatles latest collection of
#1 hits in the United Kingdom and the United States! If you haven't
heard this one, it is a must for your collection. Digitally re-mastered,
it brings The Beatles right into your home! Includes links to all the
Oh Look Out! Part 26, Free As
A Bird & Real Love
by John T. Marck |

Take at look at the two newest songs by The
Beatles, their history, lyrics and how these songs began. Also click on
the link inside to go to Free As A
Bird, The Video Clues. If you ever
wondered what the video for "Free As A Bird," really means, you'll find
the answers here! Upon watching it have you been able to identify all
the songs represented? Here in the clues you'll find (hopefully) all the
songs that The Beatles used in the making of this brilliant video.
Oh Look Out! Part 27, The Paul
Is Dead Hoax
by John T. Marck |

Learn all the facts surrounding the "Paul is
Dead" incident of 1969. Was it merely a rumor or a planned hoax? Find
out the songs and album covers that support the theory. Note: In the
picture at right, Paul is the only one wearing a black carnation; the
other three Beatles' have red.
Oh Look Out! Part 28, Sessions
by John T. Marck
Learn all about The Beatles famous
album "SESSIONS." This was that album that lead to the famous Anthology
The Wedding and Ballad of John and Yoko
by John T. Marck |

Learn all about the wedding of John and Yoko,
and the song, The Ballad Of John And Yoko, that describes their wedding.
Lots of Great Pictures!
Who Are Those People and Images on the
Cover of Sgt. Pepper?
by John T. Marck |

Here you can find out who and what is on the
cover of The Beatles masterpiece album, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club
Band. Do you know which two people were cut from the final picture? Find
out here!
What's In A Name?
by John T. Marck

Did you know that The Beatles went through
eight names before deciding on The Beatles? Learn all about each of
their former names here!
Oh Look Out! Part 14, Past
Masters 1
by John T. Marck

Once EMI Records had issued all the original
United Kingdom Beatles albums on CD, they were left with several ideas
as to how to complete the digital transfer of the remaining catalogue of
Beatles' songs. AS everyone agrees, EMI did the right thing by using the
most sensible approach, that is to place all the leftover tracks on two
CDs. Included on these masterpieces are their non-LP single. Take a look
to learn all about these great songs, many of which were #1 hits! Also,
did you know that The Beatles German versions of two of their greatest
hits, when actually translated, are not the same songs they are supposed
to be? Find out this and much more here!!
Oh Look Out! Part 15, Past
Masters 2
by John T. Marck
Once EMI Records had issued all the original
United Kingdom Beatles albums on CD, they were left with several ideas
as to how to complete the digital transfer of the remaining catalogue of
Beatles' songs. AS everyone agrees, EMI did the right thing by using the
most sensible approach, that is to place all the leftover tracks on two
CDs. Included on these masterpieces are their non-LP single. Take a look
to learn all about these great songs, many of which were #1 hits! Also,
did you know that The Beatles German versions of two of their greatest
hits, when actually translated, are not the same songs they are supposed
to be? Find out this and much more here!!
Oh Look Out! Part 18, The
Beatles Live at the BBC
by John T. Marck |
Oh Look Out! Part 21, All the
Songs Recorded by The Beatles
by John T. Marck |
Ever hear a song and wonder if The Beatles recorded it? Now you can find
out! Here is the total list of all the songs recorded by The Beatles.
Oh Look Out! Part 22,
Anthology 1
by John T. Marck
Oh Look Out! Part 23,
Anthology 2
by John T. Marck |
Oh Look Out! Part 24,
Anthology 3
by John T. Marck
The Beatles British EP
Collection, Part 29
by John T. Marck
In Britain, or the United Kingdom to be more
exact, The Beatles released fourteen EP's, or Extended Play singles. At
the time of their original release, these were done so on vinyl,
generally in 45 r.p.m. format. Extended Play singles usually had four
tracks, although some did have as many as six. Click here to learn all
about them, each title, the lyrics, as well as see each EP cover!
The Beatles US EP Collection,
Part 30
by John T. Marck
In the United States, The Beatles released
very few EP's, or Extended Play singles. At the time of their original
release, these were done so on vinyl, generally in 45 r.p.m. format.
Extended Play singles usually had four tracks, although some did have as
many as six. Click here to learn all about the few that were released!
The Beatles British Singles
Collection, Part 31
by John T. Marck |
In Britain, and the United Kingdom, The
Beatles released twenty-two singles. At the time of their original
release, these were done so on vinyl, in 45 r.p.m. format. Click here to
learn which tracks were released as singles, as well as information
about them, and a picture of the record/CD sleeve.
The Beatles
Necktie Collection, Part 32
by John T. Marck |
Take a look at the hard to find collection
of Beatles' Neckties! These wonderful ties were made by the Manhattan
Menswear Group in the early 1990s. Each tie is masterfully done to
represent one of the Beatles songs!